Join Life After Cancer Coach Steph for a Transformative Journaling after Cancer Workshop
Welcome to our journaling after cancer workshop. We're going to spend 15 minutes or so reflecting on your cancer experience.
If you have recently finished cancer treatment, this is a great workshop to start with.
What is journaling?
Very simply, journaling is the practice of writing down thoughts and feelings in order to understand them better.
Why journaling?
Allows space for reflection
An outlet for fears and concerns
Priorities may become clearer
Can help you figure out your next steps
Before you start journaling -
Decide what format you want to use (write one line, or write everything that comes to mind, draw, doodle or pop words on a page
Journal for yourself. If you don't want to share with the group, you can keep this private
Don’t judge what you write, just write
In the workshop I'm going to ask you 5 questions, these are your journal prompts which I'd like you to answer.
"This is your space for reflection and it's an outlet for any fears and concerns that you may have."
We hope that writing down your thoughts and feelings allows you to understand them better, that the journaling helps your priorities to become clearer and that the session will help you figure out your next steps. Enjoy!